I had a client that had to move JIS piano to the basement. First floor was sagging. Contractor had built to code. If the span had been 1/2" more he would have had to use stronger beams.
Original Message:
Sent: 01-12-2021 12:24
From: Jurgen Goering
Subject: Size of 1975 Mason & Hamlin concert grand?
We must understand there are different ways of looking at the load. As far as building structure is concerned (floor joists, beams etc) the important thing is the load and the area on which it is bearing down. Thus, having a grand piano is indeed very similar to having some friends crowd together for a photo op (in pre-covid times...). (Of course a heavy load on a marginally braced floor can lead to sagging over time).
As far as the finish floor is concerned, the actual mass x contact area (pressure) is important. Yes, the pressure of one caster bearing 350 pounds, per 1/4 square inch of caster surface area is immense. And if you have a semi-rotten floor board, it could break through that board. (If there is no sub floor yada yada... See my comment above of poor floor in bad condition).
But by simply installing caster cups, the pressure can be reduced by a factor of 300 or more. The pressure would drop from over 1000 pounds per sq. inch to 30 pounds per sq inch. Just to compare: a woman in high heels can exert a pressure of several hundred pounds per sq. inch under her heel.
Jurgen Goering
Original Message:
Sent: 01-12-2021 03:38
From: Paul Poletti
Subject: Size of 1975 Mason & Hamlin concert grand?
Yes, but the problem is that the total weight in concentrated in only three very small contact points. Thus the issue is not 1000 lbs/20 ft^2, but rather three point of about 1"^2 with 333 lbs each. That can easily cause even an otherwise healthy floor to fail.
Paul Poletti
Builder/restorer historic keyboard instruments
Poletti Pianos
Original Message:
Sent: 01-11-2021 18:18
From: Jurgen Goering
Subject: Size of 1975 Mason & Hamlin concert grand?
I am not convinced that floor reinforcement is generally called for unless the floor is very old and poorly built and in bad condition. Any floor should withstand a gathering of four or five people standing in a group. That's potentially 1000 pounds. I am no engineer, but I don't think there is a problem of loading 1000 pounds over 20+ sq. feet. If there is, the building should be condemned.
Jurgen Goering
Original Message:
Sent: 01-09-2021 15:16
From: James Kelly
Subject: Size of 1975 Mason & Hamlin concert grand?
the floor the piano is going to be on may need to be reinforced and also be free of floor vents . I had a customer that tried to rearrange his grand piano a front leg got too close to a floor vent and the piano went down through the floor and tore up the duct work . A concrete slab probably would be fine but an older home and actually any home with crawl space or regular framing may need reinforcement
James Kelly
Owner- Fur Elise Piano Service
Pawleys Island SC
Original Message:
Sent: 01-09-2021 14:34
From: Horace Greeley
Subject: Size of 1975 Mason & Hamlin concert grand?
Hi, David,
...and, even more joy will abound in mover-land should M&H ever get the DD back into production...
Original Message
Original Message:
Sent: 1/9/2021 10:01:00 AM
From: David Stocker
Subject: RE: Size of 1975 Mason & Hamlin concert grand?
The movers may also wish to know: a Steinway D lists at 950 pounds, M&H BB 1040 pounds, M&H CC 1400 pounds.
David Stocker, RPT
Olympia WA
Original Message:
Sent: 01-08-2021 20:37
From: James Kelly
Subject: Size of 1975 Mason & Hamlin concert grand?
Probably safer to go with the 9' 4" length but he needs to factor in what extra space is needed for the bench when the piano is being played. Probably 12 feet is a safe estimate. Such a piano probably works best facing into the room from a corner.. A paper template may be a good way to visualize how it will or will not fit a room
The movers will also appreciate here to set it up- at 9 foot its the size of a Steinway D
James Kelly
Owner- Fur Elise Piano Service
Pawleys Island SC
Original Message:
Sent: 01-08-2021 19:28
From: Horace Greeley
Subject: Size of 1975 Mason & Hamlin concert grand?
Hi, Larry,
As you note, the M&H site lists the length of the CC as being 9'4".
Kind regards.
Original Message
Original Message:
Sent: 1/8/2021 6:54:00 PM
From: Larry Lobel
Subject: Size of 1975 Mason & Hamlin concert grand?
I have a customer who is selling his 1975 Mason & Hamlin concert grand. He needs to know the exact length, to make sure it will fit its intended new home. I told him it is most likely 9'4", which I believe is the size of both the pre-war M&H CCs, and the new ones being made now. When his was made the company was owned by the Aeolian-American Corporation, and it seems most likely they used the same scaling as the original, so it too would be 9'4". He measured it and thinks it's 9'0". Does anyone know for certain what size it would be? Thank you.
Larry Lobel RPT
San Francisco chapter