Early Steinway Project - please participate! For many years I've been documenting pianos. My early Steinway project now seeks photos and identification of Steinway square pianos. Even Steinway squares with no name in the plate casting are important to my study. Of course I continue to be interested in documenting all early Steinway pianos, especially if original or otherwise significant. But my current research area is the early Steinway square. To learn more, or to share your early Steinway piano photos and data for this study, please go to www.periodpiano.org Copy and past link into your browser if necessary. Thank you!
Bill Shull, RPT, M.Mus.
President, Shull Piano, Period Piano Center
bdshull@aol.comwww.shullpiano.comwww.periodpianocenter.orgLoma Linda, CA
909 796-4226