The wife and I were in Florence Italy recently and I took some photos in a museum there which contained several Cristofori instruments; a couple of harpsichords and a 'spinet' made by him, but not a piano exactly.
Tuning head of a lute (not made by Cristofori)
The lute has key operated string pluckers. Unusual
A restored harpsichord made by Cristofori
A giraffe instrument (I think it is a harpsichord rather than a piano)
A modern made action model illustrating Cristofori's design
An early Tuning Hammer
This iauthentic Cristofori nstrument was called a 'spinet'. It was discovered recently and has only been cleaned. It is unrestored. It appears to be a type of clavichord.
The spinet has a few unusual double keys, possibly to differentiate between F# and Gb in the days before equal temperament.
Walter Bagnall
Chillicothe OH