• 1.  Crazy Workload Formula Results

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 12-17-2024 10:07
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    Good Morning All,

    I spent a pretty significant amount of time with my staff gathering data on our very large piano inventory to input into the workload formula, and I am thinking I must have done something wrong because the results don't make sense. It is saying we need 15 technicians haha... which I would love but obviously that's about 10 more than I could ever dream of having. We have 300+ pianos at a large conservatory, but still. I am a little upset because I was hoping to use this data in a meeting with administration but it looks ridiculous. Any ideas for what I might have done wrong?


    Robert Wilkinson RPT
    Rochester NY
    (706) 945-4496

  • 2.  RE: Crazy Workload Formula Results

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 12-17-2024 14:56
    Hi Robert,

     I look forward to Fred Sturm's  response.  In the meantime I'll observe that the general guideline for a performance oriented school is 40 pianos per technician - this is a rough guideline from both the Steinway and PTG CAUT guidelines.

    But if you get into the weeds as you have, various factors like usage drives the maintenance recommendations.   A percentage of that work is major maintenance or partial rebuilding.  With 40 pianos/tech you're at 7.5 technicians or more FTE with 300+ pianos, just based on the rough estimates of the two docs.  But clearly schools like yours have a higher usage.  Ultimately your own experience at the school will tell you how close you are to achieving success.  You're in a four season climate, do you have enough tunings scheduled to keep up with both the climate changes and usage?  Do you have humidity mitigation?   Are you able to avoid chasing your tail with string breakage by anticipating it with regular partial restringings?  If not the tuning quality is bad due to regular string breakage. Etc.  There are reasons  that your data came out like it did and it would be interesting to hear more.



    Bill Shull, RPT, M.Mus.
    909 796-4226

    Sent from my iPhone

  • 3.  RE: Crazy Workload Formula Results

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 12-17-2024 15:31

    One way to optimize is to partner with a reliable key shop.  Full pls in every piano helps greatly.  Quality hammers will last longer between filings.

    Parker Leigh RPT
    Winchester VA
    (540) 722-3865

  • 4.  RE: Crazy Workload Formula Results

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 12-17-2024 20:42
    As Bill Shull pointed out, your choice of a base workload of 40 (ie, 40 pianos per tech), "conservatories and top performance situations with national recognition," set the starting point at 306/40 technicians, or 7.65 (~ 8).

    The other factors multiply together to a little under .5 which, by inversion, more or less doubles the number of techs needed. 

    So you haven't done anything wrong. It becomes a matter of the accumulation of individual decisions for individual pianos. One reason for a 40 base workload has to do with expectations. Typically, such institutions tune/touch up for every recital, may touch up all piano faculty pianos at least weekly, and the like, together with an accelerated schedule of action parts replacement, etc., etc.

    The workload formula is a best guess we came up with over 20 years ago. The idea was that we would modify it in response to feedback. We didn't get much, and most was positive (I haven't been involved for perhaps the last 15 years). If it is consistently yielding unreasonable results, it should be modified.

    The logic behind the underlying numbers was to set the number 1.0 as an average at which level the workload formula would be accurate: average of conditions, usage, expectations, and the like, with the assumption that some pianos would take massive resources while others might be almost ignored. 

    In any case, the results can be most easily changed by changing the base workload number. I gather you would like to have five FTE employees. That would be in line with a 60 base workload if all the other factors multiplied to be close to 1.0. 

    The underlying question to ask is whether you are, indeed, able to keep up with things and maintain the desired level of results. How many tunings per year per piano would keep them at the desired level? How much regulation and prep would be needed on an ongoing basis? How far is parts replacement, restringing, major rebuilding backlogged? (If you contract out some of that sort of work, you should not include it in the budget for employees)

    I hope that helps.

    Fred Sturm
    "One's real life is so often the life that one does not lead" (Oscar Wilde)

  • 5.  RE: Crazy Workload Formula Results

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 12-18-2024 11:05

    Thank you Fred, that explanation was very helpful. I realized also that we had set the rebuilding parameters at (.4) for our Steinway grands, but we do not do most of the belly work in house, so they really should have been at (1), so that lowered the number from 16 to 12. Also, the humidity control is terrible here since it is such an old building, which I am sure contributes quite a bit. Either way, it was a helpful picture in my meeting with our finance department.

    Robert Wilkinson RPT
    Rochester NY
    (706) 945-4496

  • 6.  RE: Crazy Workload Formula Results

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 12-18-2024 12:32
    regardless of what the "real" workload is, it all comes down to what the school is wiling to pay for the maintenance of the pianos. If they only want to pay for one full time technician to take care of all 300 pianos, they will get what they pay for. But if they are really concerned about the pianos and want to keep the students and faculty happy, they will find the money to hire as many techs as you want. So basically, go for broke and put in a request to hire 10 more techs, and see what happens. 

  • 7.  RE: Crazy Workload Formula Results

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 12-18-2024 15:25

    All good information given so far and I have a few points to add. You do have to be realistic in entering your parameters. Also, 60 pianos per tech at a school like Eastman is appropriate. However, with today's budget nightmares that are plaguing most schools, the appropriate number of techs simply will not fly. Try 80 per tech and see what happens. I had to go with 80 per tech when I was at Ithaca College. Any lower amount just would not fly. 

    Have you done a detailed report justifying the need for an increased number of techs? The workload formula is a great tool to use but more information will be needed by those who are receiving your findings. Below is a summary of topics you could use in your report. If you wish to see a full copy of my last report before I retired from IC, let me know and I will send you a copy.

    Opening Statement


    Inventory History

    • Total piano and harpsichord inventory in JJWCM

    • Increase in enrollment

    • Increase of studio, classroom and concert rooms in the music building

    • Practice rooms



    • Cost for tuning and other work

    • Cost for a full-time assistant piano technician staff position

    • Budgeting and savings

          • Fees

    • Current budget

    • Inventory replacement


    • Concert/Recitals

    • Recording

    • Summer and other programs/events

    • Piano reconditioning

    • Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC)

    Personnel Justification

    • College and University Technicians Guidelines

          • Workload

    • Core responsibilities

    • Job classification and salary

    • Internship



    • College and University Technicians Guidelines

    • Numbers from Schools Across the Country

    • Acceptable Humidity Range

    [Don] [McKechnie,] [RPT]
    [Piano Technician]
    [Home 607.277.7112]

  • 8.  RE: Crazy Workload Formula Results

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 12-18-2024 18:52
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    My own take on the major usefulness of the workload formula is that filling it out helps you organize your thoughts about your inventory: Where should you place your priorities? What is the overall situation? How can you go about making gradual improvements?

    While we tend to want to use it as a tool to show our administration how understaffed we are, it doesn't really have that much credibility in the overall context, where there are all kinds of demands for non-existent funding. For example, the non-tenure track lecturers and adjuncts (all of whom typically have doctorates) are paid starvation wages in most schools.

    To make your case, as Don says, you have to make it concrete. What is the overall condition of your inventory? How old is it? What are the expectations versus available hours to meet that demand? It can help if you focus a fair bit of your resources on maybe a couple rehearsal instruments, that get used by lots of people. "This is what is possible, but doing this is at the cost of neglecting other instruments - unless we can add another staff member."

    A little over 15 years ago, NASM was doing a major revision of its Standards Manual, on the basis of which it reviews degree-granting programs periodically and provides accreditation. We submitted a proposal for adding piano maintenance to that Manual. It was ignored. In direct communication with a couple members of its board, we were told that they are reluctant to make demands that are beyond the capacity of the schools. 

    I dug up what we submitted, and attach it, in case anyone is interested. 


  • 9.  RE: Crazy Workload Formula Results

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 12-18-2024 19:40

    More great points from Fred. Your justifications have to be realistic in order to gain traction with your requests. In the FileMaker version of the workload formula that I developed some years ago, I included an Annual Maintenance Budget Projection that Fred developed in conjunction with the Budgets portion of the Guidelines document. This formula never made it into the Guidelines document but, it can be another useful document to add to any justification for budget increases. 

    We had high hopes that NASM would approve our proposal. There was some support within the organization but alas............

    [Don] [McKechnie,] [RPT]
    [Piano Technician]
    [Home 607.277.7112]

  • 10.  RE: Crazy Workload Formula Results

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 12-19-2024 09:51

    It definitely did help organize my thoughts, and going and looking at pretty much every piano at the college had its benefits as well. The goal of the meeting was not necessarily to hire more staff, but to make a point about the need for purchasing new pianos. My strategy (along with a few other things) was to go through each aspect of the workload formula, explain how the results pretty well matched our situation, and how purchasing new pianos would greatly affect some of the factors that were causing the number of technicians needed to be so high (namely age and condition). The meeting seemed to go very well, but we will see what they come back with.

    Thanks for the feedback!

    Robert Wilkinson RPT
    Rochester NY
    (706) 945-4496