Journal article contributions wanted: specialized tool kits

  • 1.  Journal article contributions wanted: specialized tool kits

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 11-12-2021 16:58
    We're putting together our next What to Buy installment in the February Journal. This installment features specialized tool kits, with an emphasis on those needed for the RPT exams:
    -Vertical shank replacement
    -Center pin/bushing replacement
    -Hammer filing
    -Key rebutting
    -Cleaning (obviously, not needed for the RPT exams...)

    There are any number of kits one can put together, such as those for agraffe repair, T-nut repair, keytop repair--the list is endless.
    It doesn't have to even be a complete kit; one or two favorite tools you would recommend for any of the above are welcome as well.

    Please submit a photo and explanation of your specialized kit/tool to the Journal:

    Scott Cole, RPT
    Talent, OR