How to Join

How to Join

Are You Interested in Joining the PTG Auxiliary?

Our members at present come from four continents. Many members of The Piano Technicians Guild join the Auxiliary as well as the Guild because they support our goals and activities. People usually join this organization for one or more of the following reasons:

  1. They accompany a friend or relative who is a member of The Piano Technicians Guild to conventions and participate in Auxiliary programs that provide quality education and relaxing camaraderie with other members of the Auxiliary.
  2. They support the philanthropic work of the PTG Auxiliary, notably its annual scholarships to aspiring young pianists.
  3. They like the way the PTG Auxiliary supports the work and endeavors of The Piano Technicians Guild.
  4. They like to make new friends and keep in contact with old ones.

Annual dues are just $20, but if you would also like to include a contribution to the PTGA Scholarship fund, just write your check for a larger amount! Send your check (payable to PTG Auxiliary) to our treasurer: 
Cathy Coleman
5921 S Stanley Pl
Tempe, AZ 85283  
Be sure to include the information listed below. If you'd like, you may print this page and use it as an application blank. 
Name ______________________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________________

City ________________________________________________________ 

State and Zip Code ____________________________________________

Country _____________________________________________________

Phone ______________________________________________________

Birthday _____________________________________________________

E-mail ______________________________________________________