Latest draft of a document providing guidance to pianists and performers in non-traditional uses of the piano, including prepared piano, playing inside the piano, and related topics. #preparedpiano ...
This document is the work of Francisco Motta, a Brazilian piano technician, and gives general advice on piano maintenance in an institutional setting. It is in Portuguese, with ...
This translation was made in 2009 for Europiano France by one of its members, Éric Marandas, a piano technician with a doctorate in applied acoustics, who is fluent in both French and ...
A Filemaker stand alone database and an Excel spreadsheet for calculating workload according to the appendix of the Guidelines for Effective Institutional Piano Maintenance. The Excel ...
A presentation given by Claud Kissman, P.E., CPE, mechanical engineer at the University of Texas at Austin, on the subject of the design features of humidity control systems for public ...
"What you should know about Humidity Control in a college and university setting," a brochure created for the information of music department administrators and others.
A brochure giving advice on what to look for in hiring a piano technician with the skills to serve a music program's needs.
The second (2004) edition of a basic document created by the College and University Technicians Committee, describing in detail recommendations for an effective piano maintenance program ...