Currently on staff with the Butler School of Music at the University of Texas at Austin, Steve has spent the last 28 years advancing his skills. He is the piano technician for Austin Lyric Opera and the Armstrong Music School. He also maintains an extensive private practice in the recording studios, churches, schools, concert halls, and homes of Austin. A native of Arkansas, he is a veteran of the U.S. Navy, and spent five and half years as a radioman in the early '70s. After leaving the service, he worked at Bensberg's Music Store in Camden, Ark. for a year, where he began learning about piano tuning and moving. Using his GI bill benefits, he then enrolled at Southern Arkansas University, completing a bachelor's degree in music education. From there, he went on to Grayson County College's program in Piano Technology. His first professional experience after graduation was in Caddo Parrish School District. He came to Austin in 1983, and began his career there in music stores. For the past six years he has served as President of the Austin Chapter PTG, and was elected Vice-President of the South Central Region in July of 2011.