It's actually not an innovation. It's been done before, a little over a hundred years ago. I saw a pic of one in a museum somewhere, just can't remember where.
It didn't quite catch on then.
Chernobieff Piano Restorations
"The Piano Whisperer"
Maker of the finest maximum output piano soundboards. (Osage Orange Bridge Caps, Norway Spruce Panels, Engineered Ribs, Sustain Bar)
Inventor of Inertia Touch Wave (Real Dynamic Inertia Control and Smoothness)
865-986-7720 (text only please)
Original Message:
Sent: 11-28-2023 13:25
From: Steven Rosenthal
Subject: Innovation still happens
For those who can't access the Times article:
Steven Rosenthal RPT
Honolulu HI
(808) 521-7129
Original Message:
Sent: 11-28-2023 10:53
From: Karl Roeder
Subject: Innovation still happens
Coming soon to Carnegie Hall
Karl Roeder
Pompano Beach FL