
  • 1.  Kawai KG2 music desk part

    Posted 16 days ago
    Some kid leaned too hard on the music stand  and broke the piece that holds the back in the different positions. 
    It looks to be re[laceable. I didn;t hear back from Kawai. Does anyone have better number or is there after market pieces sold? 
    With the fires in LA I wonder. 

  • 2.  RE: Kawai KG2 music desk part

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 16 days ago

    I've purchased those parts from them in the recent (past 10 years) past. Try emailing David Reed (dReed@kawaius.com).

    Patrick Draine RPT
    Billerica MA
    (978) 663-9690

  • 3.  RE: Kawai KG2 music desk part

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 15 days ago
      |   view attached

    Attached is the Kawai parts catalog, music desk in on page 32. Good place to start at least.

    Steven Rosenthal RPT
    Honolulu HI
    (808) 521-7129


  • 4.  RE: Kawai KG2 music desk part

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 15 days ago
    I have ca glued these (Yamaha) back together and still holding up several years later (at a university environment.) I entertained the idea of filling with epoxy, but the repair has held thus far. Are all the broken pieces present?

    Joe Wiencek

  • 5.  RE: Kawai KG2 music desk part

    Posted 15 days ago
    I didn't remove the bulb of tape holding it together.
    I assume the pieces are there. I saw it could be replaced so I was looking for the part
    Epoxy is a mechanical bond. You would want to lay a couple of bridge pins across the joint. Dremel a groove.
    CA glue can be amazing on it's adhesion to plastic parts. It looks to be ABS so plumbers pipe glue actually could work. It takes a few coats and then you sand it down. 
    I have fresh Hot Stuff CA glue. I will give that a try