Hello All,
There seems to be a lot of cross-posting happening recently. If one clicks on the box just below one's own avatar, at the bottom there's a "Help" link, which leads to "Online Communications Rules." We all clicked (years ago, probably without reading it) to accept the terms. Sometimes it's worth rereading.
Under "Online Community Etiquette" you'll find some suggestions, a few lines of which I will share below.
" Consider posting a thread in only one community and linking to that thread from another community rather than cross posting. Example: Post a new message in Pianotech. Copy the URL. Go to your chapter community and create a new message. Click "insert link." Paste the URL in the appropriate box. Click "OK". Describe the link and click "Post."
"Post to the Appropriate Audience
a. Only send a message to the entire list when it contains information that everyone can benefit from."
A additional thought: Consider posting to the "Electronic Tuning" community; its description reads "Discussion of all types of ETDs, apps, and stand-alone devices. Tips and tricks, comparison to aural tuning methods, etc. No flame wars, criticism of commercial products, or sales information from vendors is allowed." Currently only 10 members there, you might consider joining, and cross posting to that list of you're committed to posting on subjects of this nature.
Thanks for your attention,
Patrick Draine (currently serving on the PTG "Communications Task Group")
Patrick Draine RPT
Billerica MA
(978) 663-9690