Hi Clint,
Welcome to the PTG forums!
Put as simply as possible, aftertouch is the amount of touch left over after the key has completed everything it needed to do. Aftertouch acts as both a safety factor and affects the feel of the action.
The best explanation (in my opinion) of aftertouch and how to achieve it are found in Jim Busby's ebook series Piano Technician Tutorials, particularly the first two books on upright and grand regulation. These are two books that I strongly recommend all beginners read, as they help to lay a good foundation for understanding how the piano action works.
Benjamin Sanchez, RPT
Piano Technician / Artisan
(256) 947-9999
Original Message:
Sent: 08-07-2024 04:19
From: Clint Jones
Subject: Beginning tech questions
Thanks. The touch feels good to me. I don't notice any imperfections in the playing experience. There is no play between when I start to press the key and when the hammers lift. What is after-touch? The key heights are pretty even, some slightly off. I notice some dips are uneven. I will process your advice about the action and key height and put it on the long term project list.
Clint Jones
Santa Fe NM
(858) 232-4965
Original Message:
Sent: 08-07-2024 03:05
From: Blaine Hebert
Subject: Beginning tech questions
Another beginner here, though I have been a beginner for about 50+ years.
How is the touch? There shouldn't be any "lost motion" or play in the keys before the hammers lift. There should also be a small amount of after-touch after the jack lets off. If there is some lost motion try adjusting it out on one or a few notes in the middle. You can keep adjusting it (whether a wood nut, screw or capstan) until there is a pleasant amount of after-touch, usually about the thickness of a penny under the key (don't go too far). If this leaves you with hammers above the hammer rest rail try putting thin felt under the hammer rest rail to bring it up to about where your nicely adjusted hammers are. Put felts under all of the hammer rest rail points (usually the action brackets), then regulate all of the lost motion to that point. Then go back and adjust the back checks so that hammers are checking about a finger's width from the strings.
Of course you can also plan to level and dip the keys, but that is for another day. Just don't get too carried away with key leveling, such that you raise the key level too much, the keys need to fit under the fallboard or key rail.
Blaine Hebert RPT
Duarte CA
(626) 390-0512
Original Message:
Sent: 08-07-2024 02:55
From: Clint Jones
Subject: Beginning tech questions
Hi, beginning piano tech here. I got a nice lil Baldwin spinet and I've tuned it, voiced it, and replaced a missing string. Wondering what I should look at next? I don't think I need to jump into taking it apart and doing a regulation overhaul as it plays pretty nicely with medium light action and everything working properly. Also, I would probably mess something up and then I would be calling a real registered piano tech to fix it haha. But in your experience, are there any obvious next steps for things to work on and improve? Thanks
Clint Jones
Santa Fe NM
(858) 232-4965