This photo shows the buttons, shoes, and inserts I made for a 120 year old Steinway. The inserts go under the keys, of course, but are just placed here to show their size.
I made inserts for the sharps from poplar, wanting something a little stronger than pine because the mortise walls are so thin, but not as dense and heavy as maple, which I use for balance rail buttons. I glued up strips to fit in the router jig I use to cut key button mortises with an 1/8th inch straight bit. I cut the inserts oversize in width and length, but precisely position the mortise from the back edge. I mill the keys in the router jig I normally use for removing old keytop glue, just setting the depth and stops much differently, and clamping the key upside down.
Original Message:
Sent: 4/30/2023 12:19:00 AM
From: Floyd Gadd
Subject: RE: Damaged key bushing mortises
I would be interested in knowing more about the fabrication of the new pieces you are gluing on.
Floyd Gadd RPT
Regina SK
(306) 502-9103
Original Message:
Sent: 04-29-2023 21:48
From: Fred Sturm
Subject: Damaged key bushing mortises
Isaac Sadigursky recommended doing something similar, but gluing on a trimmed key button.
Fred Sturm
University of New Mexico
"We either make ourselves happy or miserable. The amount of work is the same." - Carlos Casteneda
Original Message:
Sent: 04-29-2023 07:29
From: Gregory Graham
Subject: Damaged key bushing mortises
I used mortise sizing cauls as locators for new wood, which was trimmed flush after the glue dried.
Original Message:
Sent: 4/28/2023 10:31:00 PM
From: Tim Foster
Subject: Damaged key bushing mortises
Hi all,
Any methods, tips and tricks would be appreciated for this repair. These are out of a 1923 Knabe C. Both balance and center pin diameters are 0.152". I'm getting ready to rebush the entire thing. Thank you!
Tim Foster
New Oxford PA
(470) 231-6074