
  • 1.  Is it safe to store a Steinway M on its side with all the strings removed? (Thinking of the soundboard mostly here)

    Posted 05-20-2024 17:31

    I have a Steinway M sitting in the garage that had a big mice infestation while stored (on its side) for 10 years in someone's shop. I'd like to take all the strings off and then disinfect the piano inside and out before bringing it inside. I will need to store the piano on its side for maybe 6 months to a year.

    My question is: Will storing the Steinway M on its side with no strings on it, potentially be bad for the soundboard or any other part of the piano? I am concerned that removing all that tension from the plate and bridge when I remove the strings may introduce unwanted stresses on the soundboard, while it is stored on its side. Thanks!

    Joe Burros
    Cell: 646-410-7174

  • 2.  RE: Is it safe to store a Steinway M on its side with all the strings removed? (Thinking of the soundboard mostly here)

    Posted 05-20-2024 17:48
    Hmm....I thought removing the strings had the opposite effect.
    I guess it depends on what wanted vs unwanted is. I'd hate to commit to answer because of terminology police.

  • 3.  RE: Is it safe to store a Steinway M on its side with all the strings removed? (Thinking of the soundboard mostly here)

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-21-2024 21:49

    The humidity in your garage will be part of the answer. The strings' pressure on the board are the limit on how much the board can swell upwards with additional moisture content. When the board continues to take on moisture content after hitting this limit, it will start swelling into itself (read, compression ridges). My guess is that with no string load, the board will be free to swell up as much as is wants to, given the available humidity. I see no harm in this, now that you don't have to worry about compression ridges. The rim will be happier as partner to the board (and its expansions), now that it's no longer restrained by the plate.

    William Ballard RPT
    Saxtons River VT

    "Our lives contain a thousand springs
    and dies if one be gone
    Strange that a harp of a thousand strings
    should keep in tune so long."
    ...........Dr. Watts, "The Continental Harmony,1774

  • 4.  RE: Is it safe to store a Steinway M on its side with all the strings removed? (Thinking of the soundboard mostly here)

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-20-2024 19:58
    It doesn't hurt the piano without strings, but with mice infestation, I would double check the action. Mouse poo and pee are very caustic and they love felts. 

  • 5.  RE: Is it safe to store a Steinway M on its side with all the strings removed? (Thinking of the soundboard mostly here)

    Posted 05-21-2024 13:31

    Oh, that action is toast. All felts and action parts will need to be replaced. I will probably soda blast the action frame and keys, just to make sure all of the mouse junk of removed.

    Joe Burros
    Cell: 646-410-7174