Thanks, Wim. I was just looking for recommendations, as the last shop I used did a terrible job. I had to re-file all the keys myself.
Philip Jamison
West Chester PA
(610) 696-8449
Original Message:
Sent: 01-09-2025 19:47
From: Wim Blees
Subject: Key Recovering Shops?
Look in the back of the Journal's Classified section. There a number of people offering their service.
Sent from my iPhone
Original Message:
Sent: 1/9/2025 7:05:00 PM
From: Philip Jamison
Subject: Key Recovering Shops?
Could anyone recommend a good key recovering shop? My former guy retired. This would be for the average console & spinet job.
Philip Jamison
West Chester PA
(610) 696-8449