Performance Review
By Jim Fariss, RPT
PTG Vice President
The term of office for the 2021-2022 board of directors you elected at the Orlando convention last year ended with the election of a new 2022-2023 board of directors at the Anaheim convention. What did your board accomplish? What worked out? What didn’t? What challenges lie ahead for the new board to tackle? Here is a summary of the board activities, with a much greater detailed report to be found on > PTG Members > Documents. Click on Board Documents > 2022 and look in Folder Contents for Priorities and Accomplishments. Select January and August 2022.
RPT Examiners and Exams
The board approved the creation of an exam task group with instructions to create no fewer than two outlines for an alternative/ modified/new tuning exam. This need not be a completely developed procedure, but rather an outline of the main process steps and written explanation of intent for each point of process. We encourage you to read the most recent report submitted by this task group in > PTG Members > Documents > Council Documents > 2022/2022. Select Council Agenda from the right folder.
Council Role and Board Relations
The board approved the creation of a “council as committee” task group, with the goal to provide council the authority to act as a committee throughout the year with the ability to propose, draft, debate and submit RFAs (requests for action). The RFA submitted to the pre-council board meeting can be found at > PTG Members > Forms & Documents > Board Documents > 2022/2022 Pre-council Board Agenda.
Assessment of Member Benefits
This topic proved to be much more extensive than what could be tackled at one monthly board discussion, and, while important, must be broken up into workable tasks. This was moved to be part of the next priorities.
Recruitment – Grow Membership
On, if you click on Become a Tech, this will lead you to an introduction video created by our marketing task group as a hook to enter your name to investigate further. The board has been reaching out to RPTs Tim Barnes and Chris LaBarre to understand what support they require to continue with this successful endeavor to draw in new members.
Education Goals – “Where do I go for training?”
People call the Home Office asking what they recommend for training. The Home Office does not have a clear response to that question. Another priority, “Collaboration with Piano Technical Educational Services,” served to address that issue.
Volunteer Recruitment and Retention, and Leadership Development
Committee members were asked to participate in writing an article for the Journal explaining what they do. The July 2022 issue has an example from the members’ rights committee.
Technical Palace – Universally Available Technical Library
The original concept was to “Provide support to chapters for technicals.” We narrowed our focus towards a campaign to highlight what information is available on our website and how to access it.
Website Improvement
Initially, we considered doing a survey. An insightful question was asked: “We’ve already received a ton of feedback about the website via our discussion groups. Why do we need more feedback?” The decision was made to not pursue another survey, but instead use our next priorities meeting to address a specific, known issue — the search function — within our website.
The search function works, but you must wade through those results to find the one applicable to your needs. Searching on the proper website would help. and produce different results. Think of as administrative and as technical.
Your Home Office welcomes and strongly encourages your call should you have difficulty navigating our website, and encourages your complaints, concerns, and suggested improvements.
Collaboration with Piano Technical Educational Services
Fourteen piano technology schools were invited to a virtual meet and greet with the board. Six participated with the question, “How can the PTG help your school, and what can you do for the PTG?”
Michael Stillwell (Piano Technician Academy) has created a 60-second promotional video that can serve as a model for other schools wishing to make their own. It was also proposed that we modify the home page to have a prominent button that says Schools.
When this article goes to press, a new board will have been elected that must deal with navigating new challenges in an uncertain world. Business as usual will not steer us past the icebergs looming on the horizon.