Michael Spreeman is the creator of Ravenscroft Pianos and founder of Spreeman Piano Innovations, LLC. He became a Registered Piano Technician in 1976 and is a Bundt Deutscher Klavierbauer member (German Federation of Piano Manufacturers). Michael has functioned as a concert technician, service technician, and high-end rebuilder of performance pianos for 32 years.
Mr. Spreemans education includes an apprenticeship with James Coleman Sr. in Tempe, AZ, specialized Fazioli concert technician training in Sacile, Italy, concert technician and Disklavier training with Yamaha Corporation of America, and music studies at Arizona State University.
Career highlights for Michael Spreeman include: Principle Technician at Arizona State University, House Concert Technician for Gammage Auditorium, National Technical Consultant for Yamaha Corporation of America, Senior Steinway Technical Representative for Sherman Clay in San Francisco, Phoenix area Steinway Technical Representative, and Phoenix area Baldwin Technical Representative.