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TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

  • 1.  TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 12-07-2019 17:07
    I started using TuneLab when it had 97 in its name. There's a new update, available now on some but not all platforms, but I'm a beta tester and it's just a sneeze away from being here, and I'm pretty excited about it.
    Until this upgrade, TuneLab essentially worked like this:
    1. Take measurements of the piano, by default all the Cs from C1 to C6.
    2. Choose a curve by specifying the bass interval and the treble interval, defaulting to 6:3 in the bass and 4:1 in the treble. Of course there's a lot more, but that was the basis for the math.
    The new version makes dramatic improvements in both the measurement process and the curve.
    Before, the measuring process followed exactly the predetermined targets - C1, C2, C3 etc. Now, with "auto all", you can play any note, Tunelab recognizes it and goes there, and you can measure. This means you can easily measure the notes just above and below the tenor break, which are often different from piano to piano. And there is always a jump in the inharmonicity constant at the point where the plain wire strings begin. Now you can measure that jump and include it in your tuning calculation, instead of being smoothed out between the Cs.
    This works hand-in-hand with the other major leap forward, which is called "3-part tuning." Before, the definition of your tuning was based on the bass interval, measured from A0 upward, and the treble interval, measured from C8 downward. Inbetween, the two ratios morphed into each other because math. However, there was no way to directly control anything about the relationships in the middle of the keyboard. (Well, you could force a curve to meet certain targets, but that's a different conversation.) Now, there is 3-part Tuning, which uses the same bass and treble setting PLUS a third "middle interval" setting, so you could for example set D3-A4 to be 3:1, thereby taking control of the center of the tuning and working outward, and using the better measurements of jumps in inharmonicity, and I'm telling you these tunings are good and they handle the break beautifully, especially when you set the middle 3:1 interval to start with the first plain-wire strings.

    I find I'm spending twice as much time in overpull and half the time in fine tuning, overpull putting it so close.

    So here's how it works. (You have to have a version that includes "3-part tuning" in the tuning curve settings.):

    Prepare TuneLab's default settings:
    1. In the tuning curve window, set as default: 3-part tuning, with Bass Interval 8:2, Middle Interval 3:1 (D3-A4), and Treble Interval 3:1. (The Middle Interval is a setting that you will change each tuning to match the lowest plain-wire strings of that piano.)
    2. Auto note switching: auto all.
    3. Edit Measure Sequence: set A0, six Cs, and six F#s. (This tapestry gives you the overall shape of the curve)
    At the piano:
    1. Play every note to get a mental preview.
    2. Look at the string pattern, and make mental note of breaks where you can expect jumps in inharmonicity. Especially note tenor wound strings.
    3. Start TuneLab, start a new tuning, and see Tunelab set at A0.
    4. MEASURE INHARMONICITY. Touch the ruler, see "measuring", play A0 loud. Save+ and play A0 soft. Save and repeat with C1, and then F#1, and so on up to F#6.
    5. MAKE ADDITIONAL MEASUREMENTS: Now be guided by the structure of the piano. Auto-all is very useful here. Measure:
    * the highest monochord
    * the first bichord
    * the top two notes of the bass bridge
    * the bottom two notes of the tenor bridge
    * the top two wound strings
    * the first two plain-wire strings
    * at least one note on either side of the treble strut
    (What if the piano is 100 cents or more flat? Will these inharmonicity constants change after the pitch raise? Should we raise the pitch first? - The answer to such questions is, don't worry about this until after the pitch correction. At that point, measure one or two of the already-measured strings, and compare to the earlier reading, and decide whether to completely remeasure. The difference is likely to be vanishingly small.)
    • Touch the curve icon to see the curve. Verify Bass interval: 8:2, Middle interval: 3:1 (D3-A4), Treble interval: 3:1.
    • Change the Middle interval to start on the lowest of the plain wire strings of this piano. (This 3:1 throughout the plain wire then slowly morphs into 8:2 in the lowest bass, and the changes in inharmonicity are beautifully handled by the additional measurements. After your tuning, play chromatic 10ths through the break and notice how clean the transition is.)
    • To change the Middle Interval, touch the wrench icon and select Modify 3-part tuning, and make the appropriate changes.
    7. PREP for OVERPULL.

    • No matter how close to pitch the piano is, use overpull always, and use it slowly and carefully, because it will give you an amazingly precise first pass.
    • Touch Settings and Overpull. Based on this piano, input settings for "bass bridge goes up to", "wound strings go up to", and "treble struts". Make sure the pre-measure is set to C,E,G,C,E,G. Click Start to begin pre-measuring.
    • (Pre-measuring needs to be done all at once. There's no way to go back and fix one of the measurements when the doorbell rang. Try to ensure quiet.)
    • Play all the notes as requested by the screen, finishing at C8. The display will now go to A0.
    8. TUNE FROM A0 to C8.
    • Do this very carefully, as these tuning targets are calculated based on very good information. Tune unisons as you go. (It may be helpful to change auto note switching to auto up or auto both, if you notice that TuneLab is jumping octaves from where it should be.)
    • When you reach C8, be sure to touch the red stop sign to stop using overpull.
    10. FINE TUNE.
    • At this point, assess the tuning and proceed accordingly. If it's close, I generally strip mute the center section of the piano and check the temperament octave, then tweaking as I test chromatically all the octaves and double octaves, twelfths, tenths, sixths, fifths, fourths, thirds. When those are right, I pull the strip and retune all the midrange unisons.
    • Then I move to the treble, fine tuning as needed. I finish with the bass, using TuneLab down to A1.
    • If there's sostenuto, use it for this, otherwise the sustain pedal will work fine:
    • Play, with the left hand A2-E3-A3 and right hand E4-A4-E5, have those notes in the air and tune A1.
    • Move down a semitone: play G#2-D#3-G#3-D#4-G#4-D#5 and tune G#1.
    • Repeat down to A0.
    12. Show off the tuning. Play triple octaves, arpeggios, some Bach or Chopin or Gershwin or the Tiger Rag. Collect the check, pack up your tools, and get the customer's agreement to have it tuned again in the foreseeable future.

    Jason Kanter
    Lake Serene, WA

  • 2.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 12-07-2019 17:18
    Dear Jason

    This sounds extremely interesting.

    I don't want to explain very publicly exactly what I do specifically but seem to remember that I might have explained privately to you.

    Personally I rely on a hardware machine, the CTS5 which is available in Europe and has been popular with organ builders and tuners as well as piano technicians for a generation and in my view it gives many other devices a run for their money. I got mine second hand but new they're not cheap.

    I'm starting to work with a piano-house in the UK and we're wanting to train other tuners in the tuning system that I'm using. Accordingly I'm looking for software that will run on different platforms rather than saying to people "you've got to buy such and such a device" - and the latest incarnation of TuneLab appears to give better control where my system is looking for it, specifically in avoiding any stretch or taking any account of inharmonicity in the centre three octaves. Will TL do that?

    For those who think I'm nuts . . . equal temperament relies on aligning inharmonicities, but unequal temperaments using lots of perfect fifths set out nice relationships between fundamental frequencies which make nice sounds, whatever the inharmonicity might be.

    In experiment with unequal temperaments therefore having specific control over inharmonicity adjustments is most helpful.

    Best wishes

    David P

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    David Pinnegar, B.Sc., A.R.C.S.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    +44 1342 850594

  • 3.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 12-07-2019 19:10
    Only one partial to sample?


    Jon Page

  • 4.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 12-08-2019 20:39
    Jon, I don't understand the question. TL measurement assesses 8 to 12 partials and infers an inharmonicity constant for each measured note.
    | || ||| || ||| || ||| || ||| || ||| || ||| || |||
    jason's cell 425 830 1561

  • 5.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 12-10-2019 12:12
    Please tell us more about how you choose the bass interval setting.  Does it vary between different piano sizes?

    For what its worth, I pretune my samples before measuring (one string), then move my mutes for the overpull measurement so that I'm not hearing the tuned strings.  With the monochords, I simply measure different notes than I have pretuned.  I know this doesn't account for changes in the loading of the board with the pitch raise, but I think it might be useful as far as it goes.

    Floyd Gadd
    Regina SK

  • 6.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 12-14-2019 11:13
    @Jason Kanter
    Thanks for posting this.  There are some similarities in the process I've come to use, and I have already added some of your ideas.
    First, some thoughts on the 3-part tuning itself, which I've been using for about 3 months.
    -It's far and away better than the old 2-part tuning function, designed for poorly scaled pianos.  I would hardly ever use that because it only helped a fraction of the time, and even that was hard to predict.  And the user didn't have as much control.
    -I have interested in trying a Perfect 12th-based tuning style for a couple years now, and Tunelab finally supports it with the 3-part function.  Now that I'm several dozen tunings in, I have found it better to use a single-octave style for the bass, as 3:1 tends to make it much too compressed.  I use 10:5 as a default for grands and 6:3 for uprights, but I always try a couple options before tuning a piano I haven't done before (more on that below).  But in the midrange and treble, I really like how well a 3:1 tuning blends the registers on almost all pianos. To my ears it yields very balanced sound, whereas the original TL tunings based on 6:3 / 4:1 (or similar) would often sound to me more compartmentalized.  Think of the conductor from Disney's Fantasia, "Here's the bass, bold yet smooth.  Here's the tenor, it's sweet and even.  There's a bit of a break between them, but we don't talk about that. And now here's the treble, it's where we hear the Railsback curve go up like thiiiis."
    -My wishlist for Tunelab would be to support the selection of where the midrange ends as well as where it starts, along with choosing two different interval types, and a percentage balance between them, for each of the three sections.
    Something like this: (I'm imagining a medium-sized American upright, where one interval type in each section isn't quite right.  I haven't actually tried this particular style, but you get the idea)
    Bass: 8:2 / 6:3 @  ​​​60/40%
    Midrange: 4:2 / 3:1 @ 50/50%, from E3 to C5​
    Treble: 4:1 / 3:1 @ 50/50%​

    (FWIW, Verituner was doing this 15 years ago.  But when my VT100 box died I couldn't afford to replace it, and started using Tunelab in the meantime. I like many things about both of them.)

    Jason, your protocol brings me to questions I've had and maybe you or someone here can answer
    -Where is the sweet spot for the number and selection of Inharmonicity measurements?
    I have been doing A0-A6 for a while, but I'm not satisfied that's the best thing.  I like limiting the number of measurements, and using A's (TL measures C's by default, I think, but somehow I feel less like a dumb American by using A's, and it gives my one more mostly usable note to sample).  However A0 and A6 can be unreliable notes to measure, depending on how the string or hammer responds.  So occasionally I will delete the IH constants on one or both of them, or even change them entirely to a value I think will put the extremes of the piano roughly where I want them, depending on where A1 or A5 are.  When A0 is much more than 0.800 it seems to shoot down into the basement unnecessarily, and A6 seems to need to be at somewhere between 3.5 and 6.0.  For context, I like to avoid extreme offsets, like C8 higher than +45c (or lower than +30c), and A0 at P6 much lower than -20c to -22c.  If TL gives me something outside of that, it tells me that either a better interval choice might be available, or that there's no way the last few notes will sound good anyway, and it might be just as well to have more reasonable string tension across those octaves.

    So, lately I've been experimenting with other arrangements of sample notes, such as C1, A1, F2, C3, A3, F4, C5, A5, F6 (or substitute E's, but I'm Jazz guy, so I like Fmajor).  This satisfies my irrational need for a musical arrangement of sample notes, and is a middle ground between sampling 7 notes (A's only), and 12+ notes (C and F# in octaves 1-6, plus stringing breaks).  Also it seems the lowest sample note is "low enough", C3 is right over the tenor break on a lot of grands, and F6 is high enough to have a significant effect on the high treble but is low enough to be a reliable sample note.  I prefer to sample the same notes on all pianos, or as many as possible, because I find it very informative to compare this information and try to synthesize it with what I am hearing.

    Other questions I have include, "how close to the break do need to measure to get a usable interpetation of the IH jump"  and "how accurate does a pitch raise really need to be."  Those are probably best done another time.

    Gavin McGraw, RPT

  • 7.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 12-14-2019 13:48
    For the bass measurement, I'm undecided. I worked with 9:3, 6:2, had high hopes for 6:1, tried 8:4 at Bob Scott's suggestion, and have for now settled on 8:2. In any case I reevaluate the bottom octave at the end of the tuning.
    I strongly urge you to measure iH on both sides of every break: highest monochord, lowest bichord, highest on the bass bridge, lowest on the tenor bridge, (if there are wound strings on the tenor bridge: highest of them), lowest plain-wire string, above and below the treble strut. In addition, no more than 6 unmeasured notes between measurements. Auto-all makes it easy to do this. It takes a little longer but it pays off dramatically.
    I don't measure higher than F#6, and I do take at least two measurements of F#6.
    at the break
    Here's a close-up of the partials 1-8 at the break. In this (Horugel) piano, the bass bridge stops at D3, and there are two wound bichords (D#3 and E3) on the tenor bridge, with plain wire starting at F3. In this case I measured C#3, D3, D#3, E3, F3, and F#3. You can see the transition between the wound strings is very clean, and there is a big jump at F3. If I had not measured every note across that break, TL would have smoothed the curve, giving false values for the notes at the break. Every time I have measured this carefully, the tuning across the break has come out really well.
    Jason Kanter

    Jason Kanter
    Lynnwood WA

  • 8.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 12-30-2019 10:19


    Thanks for sharing this.

    Do you know how long until this update is available for ios versions? If it will be a while yet, how do I sign up for beta testing? These new features sound like they came right off of my personal wish list and I'd love to put them to use in the field sooner rather than later! 

    [Bryan] [Lynch]
    [Piano Technician]
    [Blair Academy for the Arts]
    [Johnson City] [TN]

  • 9.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 12-30-2019 20:52
    The iOS version is released.

  • 10.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 04-30-2020 17:01
    hi, Jason
    As I don't know how to compare different settings - Do You have recommendations for settings for a small upright piano? And for a 180 cm Kawai KG 2C as well? These are the two pianos in my family of pianists. I am hobby tuner and would be grateful for help. Especially the small piano is hard to tune. Thank You for sharing Your experiences with tunelab!

    Markus Weller

  • 11.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 04-30-2020 19:23
    Take more measurements. Wherever the tunings are difficult, take more measurements. 

  • 12.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 05-01-2020 03:15
    the octave settings 8:2/3:1/3:1 like You described above? How did You compare these settings - did You tune the whole piano, and then again with different settings and then again? Did You make recordings? Is there a way to predict the result?

    Markus Weller

  • 13.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 05-01-2020 17:20
    I love the sound of the beatless 3:1 (perfect twelfth), which coincides beautifully with average inharmonicity stretch - so I always use 3:1 3:1 in the middle and treble. I have experimented in the bass with 6:3, 6:2, 6:1, 8:2, 8:4, and 9:3. 8:2 is the most consistently close across piano types, but I always refine the bottom octave aurally as described. The more iH measurements you take, the better TuneLab will match the tuning to your piano.
    If you were to use Verituner, there are many more ways to define a tuning, and different tuning styles are advocated for different sizes of piano. But I am satisfied with TuneLab because I think it's just as good, perhaps better, than the Verituner tunings, and it's a lot faster. 
    | || ||| || ||| || ||| || ||| || ||| || ||| || |||
    jason's cell 425 830 1561

  • 14.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 05-01-2020 18:07
    I don't understand exactly the way three part tuning calculates the tuning curve. Is the amount of stretch given only by the iH measurements? In classic mode You can change the stretch, in three part mode not - why? Here is my measurement of my small upright and the resulting curve. It seems to me that the bass goes too low. Should I try to tune using this curve or should I adapt it - but how? The piano is tuned to 442 Hz. I did the measure with zero offset, planning to set the offset before the tuning. Would it make a difference to do the measurements with offset? 

    Markus Weller

  • 15.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 05-01-2020 18:12
    here is part two

    Markus Weller

  • 16.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-01-2020 18:27
    Hi, Markus,

    You asked,"....but how?" Learning some aural tuning checks would help. Have you ever tried tuning aurally? You'd learn how to hear and make judgements about what your ETD is giving you. You'd learn how a piano is supposed to "sound."

    Richard West

  • 17.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 05-02-2020 06:13
    Richard, You are absolutely right, but I have to tune my piano fast, as my children practise on it everyday and I don't have the time to learn aural tuning. Maybe comparison between ETD tuning and aural tuning should be a new thread. This thread is about Tunelab´s new feature three part tuning and I am very interested in it.
    My most important question in understanding Tunelab is: how does Tunelab calculate the amount of stretch in three part tuning? Is it given only by the IH measurement? I Always thought the stretch is a matter of taste as well.

    Markus Weller

  • 18.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 05-02-2020 06:35
    Stretch might have been considered a matter of taste in the past but it's not really at all. It's all about getting the inharmonic harmonics not to beat, and choosing which ones.

    Back in 1993 when   https://jungleboffin.com/mp4/jan-zak/chopin-waltz.mp3   was recorded I wasn't using stretch at all until treble A at 881 instead of 880.

    If you're tuning just for children to practice you're not going to need to worry about the fineries of stretch at all.

    And however much an instrument is played . . . . it shouldn't need tuning every day. Moving pins unnecessarily will make them more and more unstable. The art is to move pins as least often and as least as possible. So if a string doesn't need moving, one doesn't move it. 

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1Jtn_Hotp8  is an instrument played for hours a day professionally which has not been tuned in 9 months.

    Best wishes

    David P 


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    David Pinnegar, B.Sc., A.R.C.S.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    +44 1342 850594

  • 19.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 05-02-2020 18:21
    "Stretch might have been considered a matter of taste in the past but it's not really at all. It's all about getting the inharmonic harmonics not to beat, and choosing which ones" That is answering my question, thank You, David and Robert!
    "If you're tuning just for children to practice you're not going to need to worry about the fineries of stretch at all" My children are "professional" pianists, they play a lot, and they play loud. They don't care about tuning, but I do, and if the piano is well tuned after a long time, they can appreciate that, so I want to make a good job.

    Markus Weller

  • 20.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 05-02-2020 16:27
    The stretch is calculated based on the inharmonicity and your selection of intervals to hold beatless in each of the three parts of the scale.  The selection of the intervals is how personal preference or taste figures in.

    Robert Scott
    Real-Time Specialties (TuneLab)
    Hopkins MN

  • 21.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 05-02-2020 13:39
    Markus - The tuning curve TL calculated looks normal enough to me. If you want to get a different perspective put your device in landscape mode and you'll see that the curve flattens out. If you're just tuning your own pianos I wouldn't get caught up in how TL does what it does. With some good readings (which I think you've got) just trust it. Here's the main thing that you'll notice between a good or bad tuning - UNISONS. You can have a fabulous tuning curve but if your unisons aren't clean it won't matter. In this respect I agree with Richard about learning some aural tuning skills. Tuning unisons, for the most part, is best accomplished aurally, although if I have trouble with a unison I will take the time and tune each string to the app and most of the time it will be cleaner that I could get it by ear, or at least be a better compromise than by ear. The 3 strings (and the 2 bass strings) should sound pleasant or basically like ONE single note. This is what you should spent most of your time on. In my opinion, for home use, the tuning curve isn't nearly as important as unisons.

    "That Tuning Guy"
    Scott Kerns
    Tunic OnlyPure, TuneLab & PianoMeter user

  • 22.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 05-02-2020 18:42
    Scott, thank You for giving me trust in my tuning curve. I just finished our upright, it took me about three hours, and my family was about to kill me, but I am reasonably satisfied with the result. I tuned unisons by ear and sometimes by tunelab, You're absolutely right that the unsisons are very important, and I spent most of the time in tuning unisons in the treble. 
    As I still use the trial version of tunelab it stops every 15 minutes, sometimes earlier - does it stop randomly or is there a system, like : 2 minutes break after x notes, or after x minutes or after x times changing notes? Would You recommend to buy tunelab or does verituner a better job? They don't have a trial version and it costs 700 $ - so I am more for tunelab.

    Markus Weller

  • 23.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 05-02-2020 19:58
    If you're using the evaluation version of TuneLab which pauses periodically no wonder it took you three hours. :-(

    https://freeappsforme.com/piano-tuning-apps/#smart-piano-tuner  is helpful. I'm not the only one here to mention PianoMeter - Easy Piano Tuner and the TuneLab Pro 97 is still very good if you can track down the software. If you're not doing it professionally you don't need all the bells and whistles.

    Piano Tuner TP1 also looks promising from the screenshots.

    From preference I like a moving phase display as on Tunelab and as you find on Easy Piano Tuner and on the CTS5 machine which I use and favour.

    If your children play loud, a reality is that that puts the individual strings out of tune anyway. Loud pianists cannot tell the difference between an equal tempered instrument and my versions of unequal temperament - but when they start to hear something interesting they start to play more sensitively.

    Best wishes

    David P

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    David Pinnegar, B.Sc., A.R.C.S.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    +44 1342 850594

  • 24.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 05-03-2020 07:13
    David, If your children play loud... I think I have to put things right: they can play loud but sensitive as well - pianists, especially children, have to develop finger force to enlarge their dynamic range. With strong fingers You can play more sensitive and a good pianist always has a stronger basic tone then a bad pianist. This has nothing to do with playing unsensitive. Listen to 3:17 concerning the "sensitiveness" of my son Emil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KgVj3L_FgQ
    If I am right Piano meter does no measuring of the piano, so it falls out for me. Or have I overlooked something?

    Markus Weller

  • 25.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 05-03-2020 10:24
    "If I am right Piano meter does no measuring of the piano, so it falls out for me. Or have I overlooked something?"

    Somehow you've have overlooked something. PianoMeter measures notes until you tell it not to. There's an ear on the main screen that you toggle on and off between listening and locking the tuning curve. Measuring the notes is quick and easy.

    "That Tuning Guy"
    Scott Kerns
    Tunic OnlyPure, TuneLab & PianoMeter user

  • 26.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-02-2020 20:24
    I believe TuneLab counts the number of notes one tunes before it takes a break. Manually change notes. At the break, tune unisons or practice listening to the intervals you have.

    Larry Messerly, RPT
    Bringing Harmony to Homes

  • 27.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 05-03-2020 07:17
    I believe TuneLab counts the number of notes one tunes before it takes a break No. I can switch 200 notes switching tones and have no interruption, If I tune only one note for 15 minutes I have an interruption. But sometimes it is already after 5 minutes. I don't see the logic in it.

    Markus Weller

  • 28.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 05-03-2020 09:45
    The logic is that TuneLab only counts note swtiches where you stay on one note for more than 7 seconds.  If you stay on a note for less than 7 seconds it does not count against you in the trial mode.  So you can quickly switch through many notes without interruption, but if you stop to tune each note, after 14 such notes you will get the interruption.

    Robert Scott
    Real-Time Specialties (TuneLab)
    Hopkins MN

  • 29.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 05-03-2020 16:49
    The logic is that TuneLab only counts note swtiches where you stay on one note for more than 7 seconds. That makes it more clear for me. But what if I stay on one note for 14 seconds - does tunelab count this as two or as one? I sometimes worked on a range of four notes for 15 minutes and tunelab stopped.

    Markus Weller

  • 30.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-02-2020 21:09
    Mr. Weller,
    If you have an Android device you might want to have a look at Anthony Willey's Piano Meter program. The pro version is much less expensive and it's much easier to use. Nothing against Tune Lab (I own a licensed copy) but it requires you to understand more about tuning than an amateur might want to.  Piano Meter does what Only Pure (I own that too) does just at a fraction of the cost and a friendlier interface. If you're in the Apple universe stick to Tune Lab but buy a license.

    Karl Roeder
    Pompano Beach FL

  • 31.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 05-03-2020 06:47
    Piano Meter does what Only Pure (I own that too) does only pure = tunelab + autocorrection?

    Markus Weller

  • 32.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-03-2020 10:03
    Piano Meter and Only Pure do all of the calculation in the background so you don't have to make as many decisions. Tunelab requires that you do more work but gives you greater flexibility.

    Karl Roeder
    Pompano Beach FL

  • 33.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 05-02-2020 21:40
    TuneLab starts with taking inharmonicity measurements of (by default) 6 Cs. For each measurement, Tunelab assesses the frequency of each partial it can hear, up to perhaps 8-12 partials. Each set of measurements has a degree of stretch based on the inharmonicity of that string. Tunelab creates a tuning curve based on the octave types you select for the extremes (and, in 3-part, for the internal interval) that incorporates the measured inharmonicity of that piano.
    The curve you see on the TuneLab display shows only the partials that TL is set to listen to when you're tuning that note. So you see, for example, this:
    But TuneLab has calculated all the partials for all the notes based on interpolating between its initial measurements, and therefore in TuneLab's brain, your tuning looks like this:

    Jason Kanter
    Lynnwood WA

  • 34.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 05-02-2020 22:19
    What is the maximum number of notes Tunelab can sample and use for calculating a tuning?
    What would the result be if all the notes of one or two octaves were sampled?

    Ed Sutton
    (980) 254-7413

  • 35.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 05-03-2020 00:01

    What is the maximum number of notes Tunelab can sample and use for calculating a tuning?
    What would the result be if all the notes of one or two octaves were sampled?
    Ed Sutton,  05-02-2020 22:19
    I've sampled (measured) every note on my own piano, and the resulting curve is jes' fine. Bob Scott told me that the more notes you sample, the better.

    Jason Kanter
    Lynnwood WA

  • 36.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 05-03-2020 07:40
    Jason, thank You for Your excellent explanation that makes everything a lot more clear for me! That means that each string has a "personal" amount of stretch? Up to now I thought that  it could be like this: partial1 +0.5, partial 2 -0.1, partial 3 +1.3 and so on. This is wrong, am I right? From where did You get markus 02? I cannot find it in the Android version. What do You think of Entropy tuner? This software calculates the tuning curve in a way that as many partials as possible match each other (if I understand right) It sounds more technical and not as flexible as tunelab, but the results are good. I tried it, with my grand piano the result was good, but with the small upright very bad. (Could have been my fault as this was the first time I tuned my piano myself) Unfortunately the developers don't answer questions, they seem having stopped working on their project.

    Markus Weller

  • 37.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 05-03-2020 10:31
    Markus -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KgVj3L_FgQ  is brilliant and your sons are very talented. But actually what we are hearing there is mainly at the upper end of the dynamic in some places bringing us walls of sound.  When we hear the quieter moments it's clear they offer much promise. 

    In that video look at the use of the sustain pedal at 5:22 - this is very much the modern fashion using it as a "loud" pedal rather than sustain. It's really important to develop subtleties of technique and encourage moving away from "machine gun" playing - a contrast between two competition competitors demonstrated here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJ8i7ao1lyE  and showing the telltale recorded waveforms.  

    As you're in Germany I presume, I'd recommend the Jahn or Vogel tuning device which gives a very clear tuning indication and allows my recipe for unequal temperaments to be followed. I don't know if TuneLab can be controlled as I require it to be for my purposes. If instead of tuning Equal Temperament you tune Kellner you'll find that the sound of the instrument itself encourages playing ears to listen to the sound resulting from their playing. Anri Manabe in Nice performed a very interesting competition piece https://youtu.be/mnTDkj5dYYc?t=6658, the Carlo Vine Sonata, here in this recording after the winning performance at the final concert. Before the final concert she was introduced to the dimensions that the tuning encourages and had a masterclass with Adolfo Barabino. https://www.adolfobarabino.com/ Tuning, and tutorial with such a teacher can transform pianists beyond competition winners and your interest in tuning is important and can be crucial to their future.

    Ed Sutton's article in the Magazine "Relating the Bass to the Midrange" is rather of the nature of what I've been doing but whether TuneLab results in the same is another matter. There is a particular reason why control over how a machine listens so as to control stretch is important, and to cause the machine to actually achieve what we want it to, rather than the result being merely that which is specified by the trust we have in our machines.

    Scott Kerns - "PianoMeter measures notes until you tell it not to. There's an ear on the main screen that you toggle on and off between listening and locking the tuning curve. "
    This sounds interesting and potentially able to do what I'm looking for a machine other than the Vogel to be able to do. Thanks.

    Best wishes

    David P

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    David Pinnegar, B.Sc., A.R.C.S.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    +44 1342 850594

  • 38.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Posted 05-03-2020 16:52

    "Jason, thank You for Your excellent explanation that makes everything a lot more clear for me!
    "That means that each string has a "personal" amount of stretch? Up to now I thought that  it could be like this: partial1 +0.5, partial 2 -0.1, partial 3 +1.3 and so on. This is wrong, am I right?
    "From where did You get markus 02? I cannot find it in the Android version.
    "What do You think of Entropy tuner? 
    Each partial is expanded by inharmonicity in a pretty regular pattern that can be summarized by an inharmonicity formula applied to an inharmonicity constant, and this constant changes from note to note in a relatively predictable way as long as the original measurements are carefully made.
    The "markus-02" graphic is not available to you in TuneLab; I created it by taking a series of screenshots. First I set all partials to 1, get the image of the curve; set all partials to 2, get the image of that curve; etc through partial 8. Then I superimpose all the curves and make them transparent so they can all be seen at once. On each note you can see how the partials are spread. (If there were zero inharmonicity, all the dots would lie on the zero line.)
    I've never seen Entropy Tuner.


    Jason Kanter
    Lynnwood WA

  • 39.  RE: TuneLab's 3-Part Tuning (rave)

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-04-2020 22:23
    I think it's great that folks are engaging very deeply with their tuning process.  However once you make the leap to an ETD wouldn't it make sense to buy one of the professional level pieces of software?  Are folks using Tunelab's "try before buying" feature just to get around paying for something?  Don't most professional technicians make the price of an ETD in something like 3-4 tunings?  This is my humble opinion, so please take it with a grain of salt.  I will say that I have found investing in Verituner to be well worth the price of admission.  I'm happy to support those who are making ETD software which has brought our trade towards higher standards of work.  I'm finding that I'm simultaneously admiring the learning through trial and error that using Tunelab seems to bring on, and also chagrined to hear of all the extra work being done just to avoid paying for something.  Thus is to be human, I suppose.  Happy tuning everyone and please stay safe and healthy.

    Nicholas Litterski, RPT
    Austin TX