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string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

  • 1.  string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-25-2023 21:51


    We have been struggling with a piano that makes a ticking sound caused by the steel wires rendering poorly through the agraffes (the manufacturer has confirmed this understanding of the issue). The problem first reared its ugly head some years into the life of this piano and continues to get worse. Neither Protek nor Counter Bearing Lube have helped in the slightest. Dealing with this annoyance slows down the tuning process so, not fun.

    Any suggestions how to remedy this problem? I have experienced this on pianos by a variety of makers, but never as prominent and widespread as on the present piano.



    Alan Eder, RPT
    Herb Alpert School of Music
    California Institute of the Arts
    Valencia, CA

  • 2.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-26-2023 14:03
    Is it possible the agraffes have a coating (lacquer, etc.?)
    I have heard that might be a culprit for the problem you describe.
    There was an extensive discussion on this list a little while back positing that the tick sound is actually coming from the bearing felt, when friction releases the string. There may be some validity to that since you describe the condition as worsening over time.

    I also deal with a very similar issue on a rebuilt Steinway B. I’d be very curious to hear other input as well.

    Joe Wiencek

  • 3.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-26-2023 14:52

    Hi Joe,

    This piano was acquired new, not rebuilt, and does not appear to have lacquer on the agraffes (although pretty much anything is possible, right?).

    Yes, corrosion on the wire can make a ticking sound as it releases from being microscopically snagged on rest felt (I have lubricated there as well), but when the manufacturer confirmed that it was the wire in the agraffe, I became focused on that intersection.

    Thanks for your input,


    Alan Eder, RPT
    Herb Alpert School of Music
    California Institute of the Arts
    Valencia, CA

  • 4.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-26-2023 15:14
    "but when the manufacturer confirmed that it was the wire in the agraffe",.... 

    Is the manufacturer offering a cause, or suggestions or solutions to the problem?


  • 5.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-26-2023 15:29


    The manufacturer recommended using a liquid lubricant such as Protek. The failure of that to remedy the problem is why I have brought it to these lists.


    Alan Eder, RPT
    Herb Alpert School of Music
    California Institute of the Arts
    Valencia, CA

  • 6.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-26-2023 15:58
    Have the offered any other solutions?
    Is the problem severe enough for the manufacturer to replace the piano?


  • 7.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-26-2023 16:06

    No, they have not offered any other solutions, and the piano is out of warranty.


    Alan Eder, RPT
    Herb Alpert School of Music
    California Institute of the Arts
    Valencia, CA

  • 8.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-26-2023 16:19

    Are you willing to experiment, and replace one string, (both ends) on one of the worse cases?  When you remove the string, take a close look at it with a microscope to see what could causing the clicking sound. 

  • 9.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-26-2023 16:45


    I would prefer to try less invasive potential cures--if there are any--before resorting to replacing a string (or, for that matter, an agraffe).


    Alan Eder, RPT
    Herb Alpert School of Music
    California Institute of the Arts
    Valencia, CA

  • 10.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-26-2023 17:19
    I understand, Alan. I agree that replacing a string and/or agraff is a last resort, but so far, have you gotten any ideas of what you can try?

  • 11.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-26-2023 19:17

    You are reading the same posts I am, Wim.

    Alan Eder, RPT
    Herb Alpert School of Music
    California Institute of the Arts
    Valencia, CA

  • 12.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-26-2023 19:30

    Remove? Loosen wire to look. Apply Flitz directly. May not help. Check for loose agraffe.

  • 13.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-27-2023 01:00


    FLITZ and other metal cleaning agents are corrosive as is vinegar.  Alkaline materials (like ammonia) are less corrosive, but I do not recommend them.  Brass cleaning solutions are usually alkaline, not acid (go sniff a can of Brasso).

    Graphite is the best lubricant, though molibinum disulfide has its applications.?? A TINY amount of a thinned graphite solution (DAG) might help rendering, especially after working it through the agraffe with pitch changes.

    I suspect that under the high pressure that the string and agraffe contact point is under most usual lubricants are relatively ineffective as oils are usually used for rapidly moving parts, as in a car.

    This subject deserves more research!

    --  Blaine Hebert

  • 14.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-27-2023 11:56

    Blaine -

    > FLITZ and other metal cleaning agents are corrosive as is vinegar.  Alkaline materials (like ammonia) are less corrosive, but I do not recommend them.  Brass cleaning solutions are usually alkaline, not acid (go sniff a can of Brasso).

    Thank you for this. I was simply thinking that if lubrication wasn't working then perhaps cleaning would, so I just threw that out there. Once again, I've learned something. And before I made the mistake of actually trying it, too. (-whew-) Thanks. 

    Speaking of Lanolin... What about good ol' VJ Lube? 

    If this is, in fact, an issue with string friction across the bearing cloth, I've had good luck with just using Protek. It may take several applications across several tunings to work in and be long term effective but on the pianos I've used it on the jumpy tick movement has totally gone away. On first application it makes the piano tunable again. If it comes back a little on the next tuning I apply it again. Seldom does it need a third application. 

    A question about string/bearing point friction: We actually want a little bit of friction through there, yes? If there is insufficient friction I find that the natural springiness of the tuning pin makes it impossible to dial in a clean unison. In other words, don't over lubricate. 

    Geoff Sykes, RPT
    Los Angeles CA

  • 15.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Posted 05-27-2023 09:12
    When this happens I usually use a technique of letting the string down and pulling up to pitch. Exact. No fine adjustment. One pulls whilst the string is vibrating and not when it's stopped.

    If the problem is severe, I apply 3in1 machine oil https://3inone.com/product/3-in-one-multi-purpose-oil/ to the agraffes and more recently to the bearing felts and have done so to no ill-effects.

    Best wishes

    David P

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    David Pinnegar, B.Sc., A.R.C.S.
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    +44 1342 850594

  • 16.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-26-2023 17:52

    How about applying a little diluted vinegar to the agraffe? It cleans up brass and won't affect steel. Let it sit for a few minutes and then apply something to wash it out and neutralize it afterwards. 
    Since we already use Flitz to clean things like fallboard brass, how about applying a tiny bit, perhaps diluted with something so it can flow into the agraffe hole, to maybe clean up that string/brass contact point? 

    I've never tried this, it was just a wild thought, so please tell me I'm whacked if this is a stupid crazy idea. 

    Geoff Sykes, RPT
    Los Angeles CA

  • 17.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-26-2023 19:20


    With all due respect I think the manufacturers Service Dept is quite wrong. 

    Since you're familiar with CBL I'm hoping you applied it to the full width of the counter bearing cloth under the strings. If this did not solve it I would apply a second "coat" and drop the tension 1 semitone and pull it back up. 

    Now, if that proves fruitless I would re-orient the wires by dropping one string a 3rd or so and pulling its "hitch-mate" around the hitch pin (assuming of course this is not a Bosie or some other with all looped wires). This puts "fresh" wire into the agraffe. IF, in fact  it is actually an agraffe issue this may treat it for a while. 

    Otherwise I would  guess that there is something weird about the counterbearing cloth/felt.

    Peter Grey Piano Doctor 

    Peter Grey
    Stratham NH
    (603) 686-2395

  • 18.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-26-2023 19:36


    Well, manufacturer's service reps are only human (this far, anyway), so they, too, could be wrong.

    I have applied CBL to the string along the counter bearing cloth, but have not yet tried combining that with dropping the pitch a semi-tone and picking it back up. That will be next on my list. Thanks for the suggestion.


    P. S. I was thinking about you just a few hours ago while using some of your brass key bushing cauls!

    Alan Eder, RPT
    Herb Alpert School of Music
    California Institute of the Arts
    Valencia, CA

  • 19.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-26-2023 19:45

    And the Bushmaster? (My short lived claim to fame) :😉 

    Peter Grey Piano Doctor 

    Peter Grey
    Stratham NH
    (603) 686-2395

  • 20.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-26-2023 19:52
    "but have not yet tried combining that with dropping the pitch a semi-tone and picking it back up. That will be next on my list. Thanks for the suggestion".

    Not to blow my own horn, but this is the first suggestion I made. 


  • 21.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Posted 05-26-2023 21:37

    Alan, I tend to agree with Joe. Regardless of what the manufacturer says, I presume that your problem is just friction (rust) between the strings and the bearing felt. I call it "zinging". A not-that-uncommon problem. And no, I would definitely not recommend Protek or CBL, in part because the ingredients are not on the label to certify that it might not travel and get into the tuning pins – plus apparently not as effective as the following.

    In the small number of bothersome cases that I have had, where prevention is necessary or very desirable, I just use some pure anhydrous lanolin rubbed into the bearing cloth. Come back in 3 or 4 weeks and the problem will be mostly gone. Not a biggie. After 6 month the zinging is usually entirely gone. Maybe they remove too much of the lanolin in the manufacturing of the bearing cloth. I've mentioned this approach on this list previously – sorry to duplicate.

    Regards, Norman

    Norman Brickman
    Potomac Piano Service
    Potomac, Maryland
    (301) 983.9321

  • 22.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-26-2023 22:03

    Thanks, Norman. I'll give lanolin on the bearing cloth a try!


    Alan Eder, RPT
    Herb Alpert School of Music
    California Institute of the Arts
    Valencia, CA

  • 23.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-26-2023 22:41

    Alan, is the problem strictly in the tri chords or does it show up in the bi or mono chords as well?

    Steven Rosenthal RPT
    Honolulu HI
    (808) 521-7129

  • 24.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-26-2023 23:55
    In the piano I service, the problem is only the trichords. A new string was put on that same piano by a colleague with an improvement that lasted maybe a few months. I have also tried lubricating with Protek, with no discernible improvement.

    I will give Norman’s suggestion of anhydrous lanolin a try. I have a bottle that is diluted with denatured alcohol. I might apply it that way in an attempt to get the lanolin under the string more readily.

    Good luck Alan!

    Joe Wiencek

  • 25.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-27-2023 01:03

    I would be careful with the use of any natural oils.  Lanolin contains mostly waxes, but there might be the risk of some of the components degrading into an acid, like the problem we had with that prestigious manufacturer where some mysterious substance was once used on action parts.  

    Blaine Hebert RPT
    Duarte CA
    (626) 795-5170

  • 26.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Posted 05-27-2023 07:59

    Blaine, good thought about a possible reaction with the lanolin. I have been using the technique for about 40 years and have seen no detrimental effects. But I do recommend buying the lanolin from a local pharmacy to ensure good pharmaceutical/medicinal quality – 100 percent USP pure anhydrous lanolin. Don't take chances with a cheap product.

    Alan - for application technique, I would point out that lanolin is very sticky. If you have ever petted a sheep on a farm you know what I mean. I use one finger to get the lanolin out of the jar and rub it into the string bearing felt. It does not take a lot. Using only one finger might take longer, but it is easier to clean up your hand afterwards!

    One recent case I had was with a new customer, an older Steinway M with bad zinging on both release of string tension and application of tension. I had to apply the lanolin and wait a month to go back and tune it.

    Regards, Norman.

    Norman Brickman
    Potomac Piano Service
    Potomac, Maryland
    (301) 983.9321

  • 27.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-28-2023 14:19
    Mutton tallow and lanolin are distinct. Tallow is rendered fat and lanolin is secreted by sebaceous glands, considered by some sources to be a wax (lacking glycerides that exclude it from being a true fat.)

    I had not intended to apply any lanolin in a trial to the brass agraffe, understanding though that it might creep from bearing felt to the agraffe. Norman’s testament to 40 years usage is encouraging however.

    As regarding verdigris, it seems that the source is still evasive. I had heard posted many times that it was a reaction between paraffin impregnated wooden parts that eventually crept through bushings to react with brass center pins.

    Proceeding with caution is good advice!

    Joe Wiencek

  • 28.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-28-2023 21:25

    I stand corrected on lanolin being the equivalent of "mutton tallow".  However, natural fats and oils are usually composed of fatty acids which can degrade into an acid group, essentially acetic acid (vinegar) which causes copper acetate to form = verdigris.

    Using lanolin on under-string felts should be fine, but I still would avoid using any natural materials near brass or copper.
    I have tried thinned DAG for sticking strings, but my results so far have been inconclusive.

    Blaine Hebert RPT
    Duarte CA
    (626) 795-5170

  • 29.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-27-2023 07:03


    Throughout the agraffes, worse in the bass than in the tenor.


    Alan Eder, RPT
    Herb Alpert School of Music
    California Institute of the Arts
    Valencia, CA

  • 30.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-27-2023 09:59

    Not sure what brand the piano in question is, but I had a Young Chang with the same problem. Tuning was difficult at best, impossible at worst. 

    It turned out to be extreme friction in the felt / cloth under the strings before the agraffes. At the recommendation of a friend, I applied McLube 444 along the part of the string that touches the felt. This was prior to reading in the journal that this is not recommended. However, it worked wonderfully and provided a waxy coat on that part of the string. The piano now tunes normally. It's been over a year since doing that, and I just saw the piano on Wednesday; no issues. My friend has been using it for about two decades now, in the same way, and hasn't reported any issues either. 

    Benjamin Sanchez, RPT
    Piano Technician / Artisan
    (256) 947-9999

  • 31.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-27-2023 10:23


    You wrote:
    "I applied McLube 444 along the part of the string that touches the felt. This was prior to reading in the journal that this is not recommended."

    Guess I missed that article. Who says that it is not recommended (allegedly with the endorsement of the PTJ editors)? Lubricating the string to felt/cloth contact has worked for you (and me) and several others on this list. What is the reasoning behind NOT taking this approach? And what, if anything, was offered as a viable alternative?


    Alan Eder, RPT
    Herb Alpert School of Music
    California Institute of the Arts
    Valencia, CA

  • 32.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-27-2023 21:42

    Technically speaking, this is really an issue of normal aging within a specific design of instrument. Within the first 5-10 years of "life" this problem generally dies not occur (much). However as the thing ages, the INTENSE pressure on the counterbearing cloth produces a glazed and hardened surface to the wire and all microscopic imperfections in the wire produce a mirror image on this underfelt. It is the forced movement of this that produces the ticking. Proof of this is if one hears a very high frequency pitch in conjunction with the ticking sound. This is the vibration of the forward NSL between the cloth edge and the tuning pin. 

    Previous to CBL (which I have been assured contains nothing that will travel) I used to use Protek. It was OK but often required two or three applications to fix the problem. CBL RARELY needs more than one application. And in all the time I've been using it, I believe I can count only two pianos that had a few notes that absolutely did not respond to it. 

    Similar to what Norm was describing I sometimes like to rub the entire surface of counterbearing to spread the stuff all over and try to work it under the strings. I also squirt it all along the agraffe line for good measure. Typically I will get one tick on the very first release and then it's smooth sailing after that. 

    Been a game changer for me.

    Peter Grey Piano Doctor 

    Peter Grey
    Stratham NH
    (603) 686-2395

  • 33.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-28-2023 01:07

    It seems there are two possible assumptions, agraffes or felt (it couldn't possibly be binding at the bridge pins, could it?). 
    I've had some luck with using ProTec on the felts, agraffes, and other front bearing points. Some older Kawai KG's have a brown understring felt that does not do well with corroded strings, particularly in the agraffe sections and the lube helps a lot. But I don't think the agraffes being a problem can be completely discounted. Alan, in your case it might be worth removing one of the most offending strings and really inspect them, also remove the agraffe for inspection. I wonder if the agraffe develops a wire edge that flops back and forth or maybe a V groove that the string binds in.
    Another odd thing I've noticed is that as vexing as these pianos are to tune, they tend to stay in tune quite well. 
    It just occurs to me that this problem seems to be with grands only, which would point toward the understring felt.

    Steven Rosenthal RPT
    Honolulu HI
    (808) 521-7129

  • 34.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-28-2023 01:56

    Alan, Ive been following this thread. Is the piano you have been talking about of recent manufacture (last 10 - 15 years) and something like Pearl River, or other, manufactured in China? I've noticed a type of clicking when tuning on many of these pianos and just live with it. I have always suspected plated wire and also have observed that these pianos often do seem to be pretty stable. Yes, I wonder why it happens.

    Tremaine Parsons RPT
    Georgetown CA
    (530) 333-9299

  • 35.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-28-2023 06:18


    The piano I am writing about is in that 10-15 year old age range, but is not of Chinese origin. A trainee reports the same issue with a brand new Chinese piano.

    The one I am wrestling with is a pain in the tuchas to tune, but I would not say that it is more stable than other pianos in the same environment that do not exhibit the problem under discussion.


    Alan Eder, RPT
    Herb Alpert School of Music
    California Institute of the Arts
    Valencia, CA

  • 36.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-28-2023 06:25


    You wrote:
    "Another odd thing I've noticed is that as vexing as these pianos are to tune, they tend to stay in tune quite well."

    As Del has repeatedly said over the years, "If you can't fix it, feature it!"

    Hmmm... what then shall we call this feature: the mezzo-thermo-nuclear multi-grip stabilizing piano wire felt/cloth interface? Isn't THAT trippingly on the tongue?!?!


    Alan Eder, RPT
    Herb Alpert School of Music
    California Institute of the Arts
    Valencia, CA

  • 37.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-28-2023 14:23

    Post says agraffe. If it's the felt tap, tap, tap should help. I go over the non speaking area(s) with my tuning lever handle as a hammer on a well shaped hardwood peg.

  • 38.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Posted 05-28-2023 16:11

    I looked on Amazon and noticed that pure lanolin is also available as an oil. If anyone every tries that please send me a note or post the result here.

    My one pound jar of lanolin wax still has the Peoples Drug price label on it.  Some of us on the East Coast will remember them, now CVS. $5.46.

    Regards, Norman

    Norman Brickman
    Potomac Piano Service
    Potomac, Maryland
    (301) 983.9321

  • 39.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-29-2023 00:01

    I have suspiciously noticed that certain manufacturer's agraffes tend to stick more than others.  I wonder if it isn't the alloy used in the agraffe, perhaps some were more of a bronze alloy instead of brass.
    It is interesting to look at Wikipedia's listing of the types of brass, there is far more than just one or two alloys:

    Blaine Hebert RPT
    Duarte CA
    (626) 795-5170

  • 40.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Posted 05-30-2023 11:46
    I had this problem on a Baldwin SD 6. The wire wouldn't move even though I moved the pin. When it finally moved, there was a tick. I was told by a member of the group that it was the brass alloy. 
    That was almost 20 years ago. I just got a call from them and I hadn't seen the piano in a long time. 
    The piano was rendering smoothly. Maybe my tuning technique is that much better but I have no idea what the other tuners did. I tried protek back then. 

  • 41.  RE: string-to-agraffe ticking sound when tuning

    Registered Piano Technician
    Posted 05-26-2023 19:20

    You may well be whacked, Geoff, but that determination is beyond my pay grade (;-).

    Any comments on Geoff's potentially whacked ideas from the chemists and metallurgists out there?


    Alan Eder, RPT
    Herb Alpert School of Music
    California Institute of the Arts
    Valencia, CA